Thursday, 28 August 2014


Dead sea spa magik lives up to its name - absolute magic. While steeper priced than regular drug store skincare lines, i find it to be one of of the most affordable *high quality* ranges out there. Available online as well as in health stores here in the UK, it has everything you need to repair, calm, moisturize, exfoliate and renew your skin. It's awesome because it contains no parabens, uses many organic ingredients, allergy free fragrance & stays away from other nasty synthetics. 
Maybe i'm being a little over enthusiastic, but I'm in love.


rating 3/5
price £7.99

This is the delicate boosting mask, they have a 'normal' mud mask in their range - better suited to oily/normal skin. While this is more for those of us with dry/sensitive skin, it would probably work for anyone. It has improved my complexion, but it isn't as good as their seaweed mask that i have tried in the past. It can be a little on the stingy side - i'de stay away if you have severe acne or abrasions on your face.

rating 5/5
price £7.99

Where do i start?!?!? This is a stellar moisturiser, non greasy, nourishing, organic, contains UVA/UVB protection and it has a fluffy feeling similar to a foundation primer. On top of all that, it leaves your skin feeling silky, smooth and soft as a baby koalas butt. Unlike so many other moisturisers, it doesn't roll off your face in clumps when you massage it in. You're skin drinks it up. In love <3


rating 4/5
price £7.99

A great product for pimple emergencies, and if like me you deal with hormonal acne + eczema! I recently had an out-brake of eczema on my face - red irritated bumps & this helped so much! With such a small tube you may feel cheated out of your money, but it lasts a long time. It has a cooling sensation which is incredibly good at stopping a godawful itch. I like to add a small amount mixed with their 'rich moisturiser' & apply to my face when i feel a bit bumpy.


rating 4/5
price £4.45

Much like the "delicate boosting mask" this cleansing bar is somewhat of an alternative to their 'normal' mud/black soap. Both are soap-free, but the 'normal' black soap is better suited for oily/regular skin. I love this bar for its moisturising properties as well as the fact that my make up comes off so easily with this! It doesn't irritate my body either & i have very sensitive allergy prone skin.


rating 4/5
price £7.99

Silky smooth and worth buying for all over moisture. I just hop out of the bath & apply while my skin is still slightly wet - skin drinks this up! Far runnier than their 'rich moisteriser' this will last you quite a long time & cover a lot of surface. Leaves my skin hydrated without feeling too matte or too oily. Unfortunately its only downside is that it doesn't quite drench extremely dry patches as much as it could. They sell a separate lotion for that called 'skin softener' so i would go for that one if you have large dry patches.


rating 3/5
price £4.15 (500g) or £5.95 (1000g)

Soothing bath salts to be used for muscle pain, relaxation, skin problems - eczema, psoriasis etc.
I have to say it does make my bath water softer/silkier and less irritating for my dermatitis prone skin. It hasn't worked any miracles as of yet but i will noy take a bath without it! It doesn't sting like actual sea salt would that's for certain. Recommended for use every 3rd day or once a week as a skin treatment to aid eczema or muscle pain!


rating 5/5
price £2.15

Not that much more in cost than regular toothpaste - but i'm in love and will never go back. I needed desperately to find a toothpaste free from fluoride. It makes me feel sick, with a massive headache. This seems to be fluoride free and my teeth haven't fallen out just yet! ;) It is also multi-use - comes in handy as a toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener. It also aids in whitening the teeth! Its in a blue liquid form, you just apply a few droplets onto your toothbrush or add to a cup of water for mouthwash. Minty fresh and fluoride free!


So it's safe to say, I'm a big fan of these products and would recommend them to anyone.
I bought mine from Holland & Barrett  in store, but you can find
these products all around the web (amazon, ebay etc.) by google search.

*All products bought as a genuine consumer / All opinions are my own*


  1. I was looking at these in my local Holland & Barrett the other day but wasn't sure how they would be, i think i'm definitely going to try the mask!

    Snow | www,

    1. sorry for such a late reply! their masks (and everything else) are awesome! thanks for commenting snow xoxo
